I'm trying to get notifications through the getNotifications() call, but it's not returning anything (both data and error are "undefined").
I'm following instructions in the docs: https://useorbis.com/documentation/sdk/api-documentation/getNotifications
Are they up-to-date?
If you want to get notifications for your context, use this query:
let res = await orbis.getNotifications({type: "social", context: "enter-your-context-id"});
Additional methods that will come useful:
let res = await orbis.getNotificationsCount({type: "social", context: "enter-your-context-id"});
let res = await orbis.setNotificationsReadTime({type: "social", context: "enter-your-context-id", timestamp: 123456789});
Timestamp is the current timestamp, when user read the notifications.